to identifying the release date.  OR, tell Karen exactly what
 date to use, and she'll do it for you. (#1236)
-1: Release the manual. Continuing the V7_0_3 example...
-*:: build the manual
+1: Build the manual.
 git clone /p/condor/repository/CONDOR_DOC.git
@@ -297,17 +296,21 @@
 cd doc
 make release
-*:: move the symlink in /p/condor/public/html/manual for whatever release series you're changing to point at the new version.
+{subsection: Release Condor}
+Once you start following these steps, Condor is available to the public.
+1: Release the manual.  Move the symlink in /p/condor/public/html/manual for whatever release series you're changing to point at the new version.
 cd /p/condor/public/html/manual
 rm v7.0
 ln -s v7.0.3 v7.0
-{subsection: Release Condor}
-Once you start following these steps, Condor is available to the public.
 1: Tell the new download system about the new binaries.
 *:: All of the programs listed here take --help options, and the are all discussed to some extent in /p/condor/downloads/doc/operation.txt .
 *:: These tools require Python version 2.5. The /usr/bin/python on RHEL5 2.4.3, and these scripts won't run with it. If that's the case, add /s/python-2.5/bin/ to the front of your PATH. It is not enough to call the script with /s/python-2.5/bin/python in front of it.  You can detect the version of the python that you're running by: