1: Definitive pass-thru of test results, by platform. Need a list by platform saying "good" or "bad".
 1: Deploy binaries onto production pool, start the "N-day" counter.
-This is a complicated process in itself, which is documented on the {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/developers/pool-update.html Upgrading the UW CS Pool} page.
+Stable releases go onto the CS Dept. pool. Upgrading this pool is a complicated process in itself, which is documented on the {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/developers/pool-update.html Upgrading the UW CS Pool} page. Developement releases go onto the {quote:BaTLab} and CHTC pools. Talk to the infrastructure team to arrange upgrading these pools.
 *:: N >= 1 for a development series release
 *:: N >= 3 for a bug fix release in a stable series (X.Y.>0)
 *:: N >= 28 for a new stable series (X.Y.0)
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@
 $ download-versions up 7.1.3 --enable --today
-*:: Push the new binaries out to the local mirror (parrot). If we didn't specify the "--mirror parrot", it'd push to all mirrors, including INFN, and that takes quite a while. A push to parrot usually takes on the order of 50 minutes or so. The binaries will be automatically pushed to all mirrors every AM, but this allows us to get it to one mirror at least.
+*:: Push the new binaries out to the local mirror (parrot). If we didn't specify the "--mirror parrot", it'd push to all mirrors, including INFN, and that takes quite a while. A push to parrot usually takes on the order of 50 minutes or so. The binaries will be automatically pushed to all mirrors every AM, but this allows us to get it to one mirror at least. If you're prompted for a password, enter the password of the =condor= account on CSL machines.
 $ download-push -v --mode real --mirror parrot 7.0.2
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
 cat /p/condor/public/html/yum/files/mapping.txt
-1:: Invoke the script to download packages and update the repositories. The script will wait for confirmation, proceed by press enter.
+1:: Invoke the script to download packages and update the repositories. The script will wait for confirmation; proceed by pressing enter.
 /p/condor/public/html/yum/files/manage_repo.pl -i 24009 -s /scratch/kooburat -b stable
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
 make_glidein_tarballs 7.1.1
-This script is pretty crude, and it'll only work with verion numbers (and directory names) of the form x.y.z, not vx.y.z. It puts the output files in /p/condor/public/binaries/glidein .
+This script is pretty crude, and it'll only work with version numbers (and directory names) of the form x.y.z, not vx.y.z. It puts the output files in /p/condor/public/binaries/glidein .
 The script expects to find the condor build tarballs either in the normal release directory in AFS or in a subdirectory of it named with the version numbers of the release. If anything goes wrong, ask Dan for help.
@@ -519,4 +519,4 @@
 *:: Edit =create_build_tag-input=
 *:: Delete the section that defined the nightly build tag for this branch.
 *:: =cvs diff create_build_tag-input= (to verify the change before you commit it)...
-*:: =cvs commit -m "added nightly build tags for V6_X_Y-branch" create_build_tag-input=
+*:: =cvs commit -m "removed nightly build tags for V6_X_Y-branch" create_build_tag-input=