1: Perform the ManualRegressionTests, possibly assigning some to various staff members. (Question -- has anyone done this?  If so, where to run the Xen VMU tests?)
-1: On nmi-s006, pin the build for 120 days using =/nmi/bin/nmi_pin=:
+1: On nmi-s006, pin the build for 365 days using =/nmi/bin/nmi_pin=:
-$ nmi_pin --days=120 --force <runid>
+$ nmi_pin --days=365 --force <runid>
+This buildid will be unpinned by the *next* wrangler when the *next*
+revision of Condor comes out in this series. Example: If you are the
+current release wrangler and have just pinned 7.0.0. The release wrangler
+for 7.0.1 will unpin the 7.0.0 release.
 1: Make sure we've got a win32 build and releasable package (at this point, the nightly windows builds still don't provide packaging, so this remains a manual step).
@@ -503,7 +507,12 @@
 $ sudo -u cndrauto ./stash_condor -v V7_4_1
 (Replace V7_4_1 with the git tag of whatever version you want the externals stashed for). Talk to Matyas if you have any problems/comments.
-1: On nmi-s006, unpin the build using =/nmi/bin/nmi_pin=. Do _not_ do this until the binaries are live on the web and the DVD archives are done.
+1: On nmi-s006, unpin the *previous* release of Condor in this series by
+using =/nmi/bin/nmi_pin=. You can find runid for the previous release in
+this series of Condor at GitBranchDescriptions. Do _not_ do this until
+you confirm that the previous Condor revision is archived to DVD.
+Example: If you are releasing Condor 7.0.1, then find the runid for 7.0.0
+and unpin that when you know its DVD archival status.
 $ nmi_pin --unpin --force <runid>