*:: UNIX: Mostly this involves copying everything off of nmi-s006 and into /p/condor/public/binaries/...
-*::: Option 1: Use nmi_crowbar
-1:::: Find a machine with lots of space in /scratch or /scratch.1.  This process requires about 35GB, as of November 2009.  chopin.cs.wisc.edu's /scratch.1 is a good choice.
-1:::: Pull down the binaries.  This will take about an hour, more if you decide to set --into to point into AFS.
-nmi_crowbar --runid=193173 --download --flatten --unpack-style=release \
-  --scratch=/scratch.1/adesmet --into=/scratch.1/adesmet/7.4.0-binaries
-1:::: Delete the checksum files, we don't currently use them =rm *.md5 *.sha1=
-1:::: Delete the pieces of a Windows install left around.  You need to do this because the Windows tarballs are packaged differently and nmi_crowbar doesn't yet special case for it.
-rm -rf bin/ etc/ examples/ hdfs/ include/ lib/ logs/ sql/ src/ testbin/
 1:::: For each condordebugsyms-* file, delete any corresponding * -unstripped.tar.gz".  That is, for any given platform there should be a * -unstripped.tar.gz _or_ a condordebugsyms-*.
 1:::: Move everything into place.  This could take thirty minutes or so. We
 use cp here to make it easier on you when you inevitably fill up the AFS
@@ -229,32 +217,6 @@
 $ rsync -av --rsh=ssh * nation:/p/condor/public/binaries/v7.1/7.1.4
-*::: Option 3: Do it by hand:
-*:::: for a given build's GID, run the following on nmi-s006:
-cd /space/tmp
-mkdir release-$RELEASE
-cd release-$RELEASE
-find /nmi/run/cndrauto/*/*/$GID/userdir -type f -name results.tar.gz | grep -v '/common/' | grep -v '/nmi:x86_winnt_5.1/'  | xargs -n1 tar xvzf
-cp /nmi/run/cndrauto/*/*/$GID/userdir/nmi\:x86_winnt_5.1/release.tar.gz condor-$RELEASE-winnt50-x86.tar.gz
-tar zxvf /nmi/run/cndrauto/*/*/$GID/userdir/common/results.tar.gz condor-$RELEASE.tar.gz
-*:::: Get some coffee, it'll be a while.
-*:::: On a CSL machine:
-cd /p/condor/public/binaries/v$RELEASE_MAJOR
-mkdir $RELEASE
-rsync -v --progress --rsh=ssh nmi-s006:/space/tmp/release-$RELEASE/public/v$RELEASE_MAJOR/'*' ./
-ls | grep -v unstripped | xargs --replace mv '{}' ../
-*:::: (You can also use "=scp nmi-s006:/space/tmp/release-$RELEASE/public/v$RELEASE_MAJOR/'*' ./=" to copy the binaries over. rsync provides the advantage that you can re-run it over and over again if your transfer is interrupted and you won't re-copy what you already have.)
-*::: Option 3: Derek has a script to search through a given NMI rundir and move everything we need. The script lives in the nmi_tools directory in git, and is called =move_to_afs=. Beware that this script will eat up around 8 gigabytes while it runs. It's also old and crusty and should be avoided.
 1: Pre-release source tarball. The source tarball used to be created every night as part of the nightly builds.  After the conversion to cmake, it is no longer created.  While releasing 7.5.5, I created it by hand by tarring the contents of =userdir/common= in the =rundir= of the NMI build.  I put these files in a top-level directory named =condor-X.Y.Z= and I removed the =soar= directory. Nick's =nmi-extract-results= script will also create the source tarball.
 The source should be placed in =/p/condor/public/binaries/vX.Y/X.Y.Z= using the name "=condor_src-X.Y.Z-all-all.tar.gz=".