this will make the .msi and .zip for Windows in the c:\scratch\temp\package directory.
 *:: UNIX: Mostly this involves copying everything off of nmi-s006 and into /p/condor/public/binaries/...
-$ rsync -av --rsh=ssh * nation:/p/condor/public/binaries/v7.1/7.1.4
+*::: Login to nmi-s006, then do the following (make sure to substitute for X.Y, X.Y.Z, <DATE> and <GID>)
+# Make a new directory for this release
+$ mkdir /scratch/release-X.Y.Z-<DATE>
+$ cd /scratch/release-X.Y.Z-<DATE>
+# Use the GID to find the tarballs.  First, verify the set of tarballs
+$ ls -l /nmi/run/cndrauto/201?/*/<GID>/userdir/*/results.tar.gz
+# Then unpack them into the current directory
+$ find /nmi/run/cndrauto/201?/*/<GID>/userdir -type f -name results.tar.gz | xargs -I {} tar zxf {}
+$ tar zxf /nmi/run/cndrauto/201?/*/<GID>/userdir/*/results.tar.gz
+# Then transfer to AFS.  This can take awhile
+$ cd public
+$ scp *.deb *.rpm *.tar.gz *.zip tonic:/p/condor/public/binaries/vX.Y/X.Y.Z
 1: Pre-release source tarball. The source tarball used to be created every night as part of the nightly builds.  After the conversion to cmake, it is no longer created.  While releasing 7.5.5, I created it by hand by tarring the contents of =userdir/common= in the =rundir= of the NMI build.  I put these files in a top-level directory named =condor-X.Y.Z= and I removed the =soar= directory.
@@ -215,20 +224,13 @@
 ln -s v7.0.3 v7.0
-1: Tell the new download system about the new binaries.  *You might have to be the condor user when running these commands for the downloads to get properly pushed out*.
+1: Tell the new download system about the new binaries.
 *:: All of the programs listed here take --help options, and the are all discussed to some extent in /p/condor/downloads/doc/operation.txt .
-*:: These tools require Python version 2.5. The /usr/bin/python on RHEL5 2.4.3, and these scripts won't run with it. If that's the case, add /s/python-2.5/bin/ to the front of your PATH. It is not enough to call the script with /s/python-2.5/bin/python in front of it.  You can detect the version of the python that you're running by:
+*:: These tools require Python version 2.5. The /usr/bin/python on RHEL5 2.4.3, and these scripts won't run with it.  Here is how to get Python 2.5 on CSL machines:
-$ which python
 $ python -V     # Note that this is a capital "V".
 Python 2.4.1
-$ /s/std/bin/python -V
-Python 2.4.1
-$ /s/python-2.5/bin/python -V
-Python 2.5
 $ export PATH=/s/python-2.5/bin:$PATH
-$ rehash
 $ which python
 $ python -V