$ find /nmi/run/cndrauto/201?/*/<GID>/userdir -type f -name results.tar.gz | xargs -I {} tar zxf {}
 # Then transfer to AFS.  This can take awhile
 $ cd public
-$ scp *.deb *.rpm *.tar.gz *.zip tonic:/p/condor/public/binaries/vX.Y/X.Y.Z
+$ scp *.deb *.rpm *.tar.gz tonic:/p/condor/public/binaries/vX.Y/X.Y.Z
 1: Pre-release source tarball. The source tarball used to be created every night as part of the nightly builds.  After the conversion to cmake, it is no longer created.  While releasing 7.5.5, I created it by hand by tarring the contents of =userdir/common= in the =rundir= of the NMI build.  I put these files in a top-level directory named =condor-X.Y.Z= and I removed the =soar= directory.