1: Tag Build ID w/ release tag. For example, to create "V7_0_3" as opposed to "BUILD-V7_0_3-branch-2008-6-15":
 *:: (Assume a clone of CONDOR_SRC.git is present.)
 *:: =cd CONDOR_SRC=
-*:: =git tag V7_0_3 BUILD-V7_0_3-branch-2008-6-15=
+*:: =git tag -a V7_0_3 BUILD-V7_0_3-branch-2008-6-15=
 *:: =git push origin V7_0_3= (This puts the V7_0_3 tag in the central CONDOR_SRC.git repo.)
 *:: *Note:* Push the TAG name, not the branch name.
 *:: update GitBranchDescriptions to document the new branch