1: Verify that the Version History in the manual is up to date. {wiki: PreparingVersionHistory}
-1: Verify the list of supported platforms in the manual.  This generally means talking to Pete Keller. The list is in =doc/overview/overview.tex= under 'Availability'. Furthermore, the platform-specific notes in the manual =doc/platforms/*= should be verified and updated if there have been any changes.
+1: Verify the list of supported platforms in the manual.  The list is in =doc/overview/overview.tex= under 'Availability'. Furthermore, the platform-specific notes in the manual =doc/platforms/*= should be verified and updated if there have been any changes.
 1: Tag Build ID w/ release tag. For example, to create "V7_0_3" as opposed to "BUILD-V7_0_3-branch-2008-6-15":
 *:: (Assume a clone of CONDOR_SRC.git is present.)
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 1: Release binary tarballs to the web.
 Releasing the binaries to the public is a two step process.  First, we put the binaries into AFS at =/p/condor/public/binaries/vX.Y/X.Y.Z=.  Then, we invoke the download system scripts to push these binaries from AFS out to the mirrors (this is a later step in these instructions).
-*:: WINDOWS: With <Current version +1> hopefully Windows packages will be automatic. If you have only the tarballs and not the Windows MSI/ZIP, you can build them from the tarballs.  People who know how to make Windows packages: TJ, Cathrin, Z, Todd T.
+*:: WINDOWS: With <Current version +1> hopefully Windows packages will be automatic. If you have only the tarballs and not the Windows MSI/ZIP, you can build them from the tarballs.  People who know how to make Windows packages: TJ, Z, Todd T.
 1::: Unzip/untar the windows tarball into a working directory, c:\scratch\temp for instance.  You will end up with all of the files in c:\scratch\temp\public
 1::: Create a directory for the packagages, c:\scratch\temp\package for instance.
 1::: Set your git repository to the branch that you are releasing and make sure that it doesn't have any extraneous files.
@@ -207,8 +207,6 @@
 Once you start following these steps, Condor is available to the public.
-1: {link: https://www.google.com/calendar/b/0/render?cid=condorsched@gmail.com&pli=1 Update the release date} in the Google calendar.
 1: Release the manual.  Move the symlink in /p/condor/public/html/manual for whatever release series you're changing to point at the new version.
 cd /p/condor/public/html/manual