 $ download-delete 7.0.0
-*:: NRL says: Don't do this, at least for now....
-$ download-versions delete 7.0.0
-1: {wiki: ArchivingCondorToDvd Archive} release products to DVD. Get recordable DVDs from Ken (no sleeves!). Drop off the finished DVD with Pete, who will store it in a box in his filing cabinet. Include the following (the archiving directions include these):
-*:: Binary tarballs. _This includes archiving the unstripped binaries._
-*:: Matching glidein tarballs. Get these from =/p/condor/public/binaries/glidein=.
+1: {wiki: ArchivingCondorToDvd Archive} release products to DVD. Send an email similar to this to condor-inf (make sure to change the directories to the right release versions):
-$ ssh tonic "cd /p/condor/public/binaries; tar cf - glidein/7.1.3" | tar xvfpS -
-*:: Source tarball.
-*:: Manual: tarball of HTML tree, and =ref.pdf=. The HTML files are in =/p/condor/public/html/manual=. Do something like this:
-$ ssh tonic "cd /p/condor/public; tar cf - html/manual/v7.1.3" | tar xvfpS -
+Please burn the following contents to DVD, label the DVDs, and give
+them to Scot in office 4267.
-1: Stash the condor repository onto nmi-s006 by doing something like:
-$ ssh nmi-s006
-$ cd /scratch/condor_stash
-$ sudo -u cndrauto ./stash_condor -v V7_4_1
-(Replace V7_4_1 with the git tag of whatever version you want the externals stashed for). Talk to Matyas if you have any problems/comments.
-1: On nmi-s006, unpin the *previous* release of Condor in this series by
-using =/nmi/bin/nmi_pin=. You can find runid for the previous release in
-this series of Condor at GitBranchDescriptions. Do _not_ do this until
-you confirm that the previous Condor revision is archived to DVD.
-Example: If you are releasing Condor 7.0.1, then find the runid for 7.0.0
-and unpin that when you know its DVD archival status.
-$ nmi_pin --unpin --force <runid>
+Put each of the contents of these directories into their own subdirectory:
 1: Close out all {link: http://condor-wiki.cs.wisc.edu/index.cgi/rptview?rn=14 tickets} fixed by this release.
@@ -426,9 +406,5 @@
 1: Update the {link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condor_High-Throughput_Computing_System Condor Wikipedia page} to indicate the current release.
-1: Stop building the branch nightly:
-*:: =cd /p/condor/home/tools/cvs-tools=
-*:: Edit =create_build_tag-input=
-*:: Delete the section that defined the nightly build tag for this branch.
-*:: =cvs diff create_build_tag-input= (to verify the change before you commit it)...
-*:: =cvs commit -m "removed nightly build tags for V6_X_Y-branch" create_build_tag-input=
+1: Stop building the branch nightly by editing this file: