1:: Download the source. Unpack it. Verify that it looks right.
 1: Push native packages into the repositories.
-1:: Find a machine with at least 3 GB scratch space
-1:: Obtain the RUNID and the Condor's branch name ( stable | development )
+1:: This section could use some automation.
+1:: Copy the .rpm and .deb files into the appropriate directories (in =/p/condor/public/html/yum= and =/p/condor/public/html/debian=).
 1:: If a new platform (OS or Arch) is added, see this {wiki: CondorRepos documentation }
 1:: Check the mapping file to see if release platforms are correct
 cat /p/condor/public/html/yum/files/mapping.txt
-1:: Invoke the script to download packages and update the repositories. Verify the list of platforms to release. The script will wait for confirmation; proceed by pressing enter.
+1:: Invoke the script to download packages and update the repositories. Verify the list of platforms to release. The script will wait for confirmation; proceed by pressing enter.  *Make sure to do this in a RHEL-5 machine.*  If you do this on RHEL-6 then the RHEL-5 checksums will not be generated correctly.  There is a way to fix this but the manage_repo.pl script has not yet been modified to do so.
-/p/condor/public/html/yum/files/manage_repo.pl -i 24009 -s /scratch/kooburat -b stable
-Downloading from runid: 24009
-Using scratch folder: /scratch/kooburat/condor_repo
-Put packages into stable repos
-Using mapping file from: /p/condor/public/html/yum/files/mapping.txt
-The following platforms will be processed:
-DEB : x86_deb_5.0       -> lenny-i386
-DEB : x86_64_deb_5.0    -> lenny-amd64
-RPM : x86_rhap_5        -> rhel5-i386
-RPM : x86_64_rhap_5     -> rhel5-x86_64
-RPM : x86_rhas_3        -> rhel4-i686
-RPM : x86_64_rhas_3     -> rhel4-x86_64
-Enter to confirm or Ctrl^C to cancel
+/p/condor/public/html/yum/files/manage_repo.pl -u -b stable
+This script has a mode to automatically download the binaries from NMI and extract the native packages but it might need updating for new NMI.  I (Scot) always just manually copy the files over from AFS (=/p/condor/public/binaries/...=).