1: Note that following announcements are very generic.  For minor bug fixes or features, that's fine.  But if there is a major bug fix, a security fix, or a major new feature, call it out in the announcement.
 1: Update the web HTML regarding this release
-*:: =cvs -d /p/condor/repository/HTML co htcondor-web=
+*:: =cd /nobackup/<yourname>=
+*:: =git clone /p/condor/repository/condor-web=
 *:: =cd condor-web=
 *:: edit =src/htcondor/lib/news.mas= (to add an announcement 'Whats New?')
 *::: Here is a sample announcement:
@@ -347,8 +348,8 @@
 *:::: change the "The HTCondor Manual:" list of links (chances are good you'll want to remove something older when you add the new one -- we'll never want that list to be longer than 3 links).
 *::: =src/htcondor/developers/index.html= to add the new series to the "Manuals and Other Documentation" list.
 *::: edit =src/htcondor/manual/index.html= (to update which versions of each branch/release series are the current manual)
-*:: =cvs commit= (all of your changes in condor-web)
-*:: =./generate_html src= (to update the HTML on the web with your changes -- note this only works on 32 bit machines, the 64 bit lab machines are missing some perl module or another).
+*:: =git commit -a= (all of your changes in condor-web)
+*:: =./generate_html [--live|--test] ./src= (to update the HTML on the web with your changes -- note this only works on 32 bit machines (ingwe), the 64 bit lab machines (moria) are missing some perl module or another).
 1: Send email to htcondor-world and htcondor-users. Here is a sample announcement: