libclassad_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:0:0
 libclassad_ns_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 1:0:0
-If the ABI has changed (such that programs linked against an older version won't work with the new version), you should increment the first number and set the second and third ones to zero. If the ABI hasn't changed, then increment the second or third number. See for examples of things that will change the ABI.
+If the ABI has changed (such that programs linked against an older
+version won't work with the new version), you should increment the first
+number and set the second and third ones to zero. If the ABI has only been
+expanded (new symbols added), increment the first and third numbers, and
+set the second one to zero. If the ABI hasn't changed, then increment the
+second number.
+See for examples of things that will change the ABI incompatibly.
 This ABI compliance checker program may be useful: