{section: I haven't pushed the merge}
-If you haven't pushed the merge yet, this is easy.  "git reset --hard GOOD_SHA" where GOOD_SHA is the SHA prior to the merge.  *Warning:* _This completely destroys the merge and anything committed since._  It's as if it never happened.  _Use with caution._
+If you haven't pushed the merge yet, this is easy.  "git reset --hard PRE_MERGE_SHA" where PRE_MERGE_SHA is the SHA of the commit prior to the merge.  *Warning:* _This completely destroys the merge and anything committed since._  It's as if it never happened.  _Use with caution._  If you have commits after the merge that you'd like to save, you can use "git format-patch" and "git am" to store them away and re-apply them.  The general technique looks something like this:
+git format-patch --stdout EARLIEST_GOOD_SHA1..CURRENT_GOOD_SHA1 > my.rescue
+git reset --hard PRE_MERGE_SHA
+git am my.rescue
 {section: The merge was pushed}