From Kerry Creeron at the Laboratory for Molecular and Computational Genomics here at UW:
-I got R to successfully run on Condor. Here are my results:
+I got R to successfully run on HTCondor. Here are my results:
 First off, Nathan gave me the suggestion to use the 'tar' command to put
 together the R binary executable and all the libraries  needed to run your
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 This should be inserted at the beginning of any programs you want to
-condor-ize. For an example, look at =test.r=.
+HTCondor-ize. For an example, look at =test.r=.
 3. Next, you'll need to make sure that all the libraries are included in the
 tar file. The file =tarcmd.txt= as follows: