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This is a very early draft, basically a dump of an email exchange I'm currently (May 2011) having with a user (condor-admin 22124).

Matlab is an excellent match for Condor. Millions of Matlab jobs, possibly tens of millions, have been successfully run under Condor over the years. The specifics of working with Matlab will vary from site to site, but here are some general guidelines.

This assumes basic familiarity with Matlab and Condor. It assumes that you can set up and maintain at least a small Condor pool.


Perhaps the biggest challenge to running Matlab under Condor is licensing. Matlab is proprietary software with strict licensing terms. You might have one or two licenses for your desktop computers, but to run hundreds of simultaneous Matlab jobs you would require hundreds of licenses.

Your institution may already have acquired suitable licensing for Matlab. If you have a fixed number of licenses available, Condor's Concurrency Limit support can help.

Another option is the Matlab Compiler. The Matlab Compiler is an optional package for Matlab. In general, executables created with the Matlab Compiler are not subject to Matlab's license; you are free to run as many in parallel in possible. (Check your Matlab licensing to confirm this.)

If you are using third party Matlab add-ons, you will need to check the licensing on them as well.


You will need to make the Matlab executable and supporting libraries available on any computers on which your jobs might run on. You might install Matlab on each computer, install it on a shared filesystem, or bring Matlab along with you. For executables compiled with the Matlab Compiler, instead of the full Matlab install, you will need the MCR, the Matlab Compiler Runtime.

If you install Condor locally on each machine, it is recommended to place Matlab in the same location on each machine