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Interactive Singularity Jobs and condor_ssh_to_job

Starting with HTCondor 8.8, condor_ssh_to_job and hence also interactive jobs use an sshd running directly on the execute node with user privileges. Since 8.8.10, most issue have been ironed out, and connecting into the job happens using condor_nsenter, which is an nsenter -like tool to "enter" container namespaces in a generic way. This tool is spawned by the starter in parallel to sshd.

There are a few remaining issues related to X11 forwarding which can be worked around, and which are partially dependent on the utilised setup. These are discussed on this page.

X11 forwarding

X11 forwarding in general works by running xauth as a child of the sshd process on the execute node. sshd mostly prunes the environment before, setting a new DISPLAY variable to a forwarded X11 port. It then runs xauth which by default uses the user's home directory to store the X11 authorization information.

Two issues arise: