{subsection: Continuous Integration Builds}
-After each check-in, the HTCondor software is built and testcases are run against the build on the {link: https://www.batlab.org/ BaTLab} (Build and Test Lab). The results on the build can be found at {link: http://submit-2.batlab.org/results/ submit-2.batlab.org/results/}.  The condor group is the exclusive user of submit-2.batlab.org.  All other users of the BaTLab use submit-1.
+After each check-in, the HTCondor software is built and testcases are run against the build on the {link: https://www.batlab.org/ BaTLab} (Build and Test Lab). The results on the build can be found at {link: http://submit-3.batlab.org/results/ submit-3.batlab.org/results/}.  The condor group is the exclusive user of submit-3.batlab.org.  All other users of the BaTLab use submit-1.
 The continuous integration builds help determine which check-in broke some functionality.