{section: Active source code release branches, or where should my code go?}
-*: Code that implements new features for v8.5 should stay in work branches for now.  Only code that should end up in the next stable series v8.4 should go into the master branch at this time.
+*: Code that implements new features or non-urgent bug fixes, aka code targeted for v8.5, should go into the *master* branch.
-*: {strike}Code that implements new features or non-urgent bug fixes, aka code targeted for v8.5.1, should go into the *master* branch.{endstrike}
+*: {strike}Urgent bug fixes to developer release candidate go into *V8_5_0-branch, but only with permission of the wrangler*. They should then be merged into *master*. {linebreak} V8_5_0-branch is *frozen*, and requests to commit to this branch will probably be denied{endstrike}
-*: {strike}Urgent bug fixes to developer release candidate go into *V8_3_8-branch, but only with permission of the wrangler*. They should then be merged into *master*. {linebreak} V8_3_8-branch is *frozen*, and requests to commit to this branch will probably be denied{endstrike}
-*: Serious bug fixes to stable series features should go into *V8_2-branch*. _ALL COMMITS TO A STABLE BRANCH {wiki: PerformingCodeReviews MUST BE CODE REVIEWED}_ - the ticket should show who did the code review. Commits should then be merged into
-*:: {strike}*V8_3_8-branch* with permission of the wranger,and/or{endstrike}
+*: Serious bug fixes to stable series features MAY go into *V8_2-branch*, or the *V8_4_0-branch* - discussion with wrangler is needed to decide which. _ALL COMMITS TO A STABLE BRANCH {wiki: PerformingCodeReviews MUST BE CODE REVIEWED}_ - the ticket should show who did the code review. Commits should then be merged into
+*:: *V8_4_0-branch* with permission of the wranger,and/or
+*:: *V8_4-branch*
 *:: *master*, as above.
 *: If code needs to be reviewed before pushing, then you should use "git format-patch" to create a patch, and attach it to the ticket. If it's a larger change, you should put it into a topic branch instead.
-*: {strike}Very Very Urgent bug fixes to the release candidate might go into *V8_2_9-branch*, but only with permission from the wrangler, and merge from there into *V8_2-branch*, following rules above.{endstrike}
+*: {strike}Very Very Urgent bug fixes to the release candidate might go into *V8_2_10-branch*, but only with permission from the wrangler, and merge from there into *V8_2-branch*, following rules above.{endstrike}
 {section: List of all source code branches}