The remote system calls proper are implemented as 'senders' and 'receivers', which are almost entirely automatically-generated.  Senders exist in the starter and libsyscall; the receivers exist only in the shadow.
-Some switches can not be automatically generated, and are known as "special" switches.  For Linux, there are quite a few of these, mostly handling the [x|l|f]stat family, and others which have different kernel- and user- space data structures; other specials include functions normally implemented as macros; and some switches are special because they don't behave exactly the same as the normal system call.  (For example, gettimeofday() caches the offset between the local clock and the shadow's clock, because many applications use gettimeofday() to self-profile their inner loops.  Likewise, isatty() should always return false when running under Condor, but this can make some Fortran run-times behave oddly.)  There are very few "special" senders or receivers.  Normal switches, senders, and receivers are generated from a '.tmpl' file by /stubgen/.
+Some switches can not be automatically generated, and are known as "special" switches.  For Linux, there are quite a few of these, mostly handling the [x|l|f]stat family, and others which have different kernel- and user- space data structures; other specials include functions normally implemented as macros; and some switches are special because they don't behave exactly the same as the normal system call.  (For example, gettimeofday() caches the offset between the local clock and the shadow's clock, because many applications use gettimeofday() to self-profile their inner loops.  Likewise, isatty() should always return false when running under HTCondor, but this can make some Fortran run-times behave oddly.)  There are very few "special" senders or receivers.  Normal switches, senders, and receivers are generated from a '.tmpl' file by /stubgen/.
 The new cmake dependencies are all screwed up, so when mucking about with this code, it's wise to make clean to ensure that all your changes are propogated everywhere.
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 gdb gets confused in the checkpoint routines.
-dprintf() in the checkpoint library is not the same dprintf() as the rest of condor.
+dprintf() in the checkpoint library is not the same dprintf() as the rest of HTCondor.
 -_condor_D_[CKPT|ALWAYS|FULLDEBUG] are your friends when executing a job.