- when a virtual machine job is matched, the negotiator fires a homing daemon job (unless one's already running), and passes the configs to the starter / adds it in the classad.{linebreak}
 - load balancing can be done by starting more homing daemons when more vm jobs are encountered.{linebreak}
 - a dhcp server could also be run as a part of the homing daemon. MAC addresses could be made a part of the vmuniverse job. Thus if a vm job checkpoints and migrates, when it comes up again, it will get the same ip.{linebreak}
-- the homing daemon could just run as a switch. And vmuniverse jobs can specify a vlan. In this case, homing daemons can be used to achieve intranetworking for vm universe jobs.{linebreak}
+- the homing daemon could just run as a switch. And vmuniverse jobs can specify a vlan. In this case, homing daemons can be used to achieve intranetworking for vm universe jobs.{linebreak}(vmathew)
 *: create virtual machine add ons (guest additions), for the standard vm hypervisors (vmware, virtualbox) etc, to communicate to the condor instance on the execute hosts. A condor-guest-addition.iso cd image which will install (or maybe it's okay to require to compile and install) a service inside the guest (so we need support for common guest operating systems). {linebreak}
-Maybe, if we can use these guest additions to allow vms to communicate to the outside world via condor api, then we may not need to support more than NAT networking. Depends fully on how rich the guest additions can make networking.
+Maybe, if we can use these guest additions to allow vms to communicate to the outside world via condor api, then we may not need to support more than NAT networking. Depends fully on how rich the guest additions can make networking.{linebreak}(vmathew)
+*: Currently, the architecture of the submit machine is taken as the architecture of the required VM Universe jobs. However, if I create a 32 bit vm on a 64 bit machine, then, that VM can as well run on a 32 bit machine with vmware. Yet, the architecture requirement prevents such matches. This needs to be fixed.{linebreak}(vmathew)