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Note: In the process of creating this document (2016-06-13)

Note: This document is valid for HTCondor version 8.5.5.

This is a comparison of the features of external sub-DAGs and splices (see and for detailed information).

Here's a table comparing external sub-DAGs and splices. Note that the bold entries are the ones that are advantageous for a given feature.

Feature External sub-DAGs Splices Notes
Incorporate separate DAG files yes yes
Rescue DAGs yes yes
DAGMan recovery yes yes
Multiple DAGMan instances yes no
Possible combinatorial explosion of dependencies no yes Until we implement socket nodes for splices
Dynamic creation of sub-workflows yes no
PRE/POST scripts on sub-workflows yes no Until we implement socket nodes for splices
Retries of sub-workflows yes no
Workflow-wide throttling no yes
Per-sub-workflow throttling yes no
Workflow-wide node categories no yes
Node priorities on sub-workflows yes no
Reduce memory footprint of large workflows yes? no If used properly
Per-sub-workflow file final nodes yes no
Abort sub-workflows individually yes no
Variables associated with sub-workflows yes no
Separate configuration for sub-workflows yes no Can be good or bad
One node status file, etc., for entire workflow no yes

When should I use one of these features?

(add stuff here)

Should I use external sub-DAGs or splices?

The simple answer is that, unless you need one of the features that's available with external sub-DAGs but not with splices, you should use splices. Splices are generally simpler... (add more stuff here)