[[anonymous: TJ sez - because no longer runs more than a single test, much of what this page says is wrong and needs to be updated]] runs the test suite . It can start up its own personal HTCondor and use that for testing. The tests may also start their own personal Condors.
- Build, install and configure your code from HTCondor source tar ball:
extract tar ball cd into source tree(eg condor-7.9.4) (You must have cmake) ./configure_uw make install make tests cd release_dir export PATH=`pwd`/bin:`pwd`/sbin:$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib:`pwd`/lib/condor:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH cd .. cd src cd condor_tests cp -r ../condor_examples/* . mkdir /tmp/testsockets echo "/tmp/testsockets" >SOCKETDIR # run a single test ./ -d . -t cmd_q_shows-name
- Testing from the GIT repository, out of tree/out of repository in a directory called outoftree:
make a directory to build and test in, cd there /{repo}/CONDOR_SRC/configure_uw /{repo}/GIT/CONDOR_SRC
make install
make tests cd release_dir mkdir man ./condor_install --make-personal-condor source export PATH=`pwd`/bin:`pwd`/sbin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib:`pwd`/lib/condor:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH cd .. cd src cd condor_tests cp -r ../condor_examples/* . mkdir /tmp/testsockets echo "/tmp/testsockets" >SOCKETDIR # run a single test ./ -d . -t cmd_q_shows-name
With shared port on, the socket daemon path is too long so the current test code looks for the file SOCKETDIR in condor_tests and uses that as the base location for the new folder for shared port sockets. This is true for master branch after the creation of V8_3_0. This will be removed when no longer needed and this section will be updated.
- Results after completes:
249 successful, 34 failed
The file failed_tests contains the list of tests which had a non-zero return code meaning they failed. The file successful_tests will list the tests which had a return value of zero
Running a single test
You can run a single test by specifying extra command line parameters. For example, to run cmd_q_shows-name
./ -d . -t cmd_q_shows-name
This is useful if you see a specific test failing in one of the automated builds (
Stress testing in
Sometimes a test will run in build workspace but not in the batlab. The batlab runs multiple tests at once and thus responsiveness to individual tests is less predictable. One way to duplicate this is to run multiple tests at once within watches the list "list_quick" when you do not use "-t testname".
Assuming you can run multiple copies of the test which fails intermittenly at the same time, you can run as many as you want at once. Note however that some names might be used the same so the best best is to run another test as the load and one of the test you are working to fix. In this example I want to stress test job_dagman_fullremove for issues relating to runCondorTool getting the queries we want.
Fill list_quick with:
job_dagman_fullremovejob_basic_kill job_basic_kill job_basic_kill job_basic_kill
The following command will start job_dagman_fullremove and then 3 job_basic_kill and they will all run at once.
./ -d . -e 4 (run four from list at a time)
The test suite is prone to leaving HTCondor daemons, especially if you interrupt the tests. After running tests, check for unexpected condor_masters running and kill them.
Warnings, Problems, and Workarounds
See #1124 for tickets associated with improving tests.
- Parallel tests are unlikely to work. A number of tests depend on the output from other tests. Furthermore, some tests assume no competition and may reuse files or directories.
- Re-running tests is unlikely to work. Tests leave a lot of garbage behind that causes problems when they run again. Solution: or "make resubmit" might clean things up enough. (#1153 is unfinished work designed to help with this.)