1: Have Cygwin with perl installed
 1: Download a valid windows build result tar ball which contains release rpm,
 test programs compiled for windows and all needed perl modules and scripts.
+1: Stop HTCondor. First do condor_off -master in a cygwin window and then using task manager kill the keyboard daemon.
 1: Take the release zip file and extract it on top of your HTCondor install after making sure all of HTCondor is completely stopped
 1: Pick a location for testing( I have /condor /condor_tests and /condor_examples.
 1: Place condor_tests from build result tar to desired location
 1: Place condor_examples next to it
+1: If you want to stress test, edit condor_config.local in /condor
+to have NUM_CPUS = somegreaternumberthencores
+1: Restart your system to get HTCondor running with new binaries.
+1: open a cygwin windows and test basic commands like codnor_q and condor_status.
 1. Open a cygwin shell and go to condor_tests
 1: Enter "./batch_tests.pl -b -d .
 1: wait