1: Another way to do this is to first have a fully working HTCondor on a PC from the msi.
 1: Have ActivePerl installed
 1: Have Cygwin with perl installed
+1: Have cygwin and condor in your windows PATH envrionment variable. Mine has c:\bin\;C:\condor\bin\ added
 1: Download a valid windows build result tar ball which contains release rpm,
 test programs compiled for windows and all needed perl modules and scripts.
 1: Stop HTCondor. First do condor_off -master in a cygwin window and then using task manager kill the keyboard daemon.
@@ -83,4 +84,6 @@
 Where =cmd_q_shows-name= can be any of the tests in the test suite.
-That's about as simple as it gets; although it is possible to save exporting the =NMI_PLATFORM= and =PATH= each time.  This can be accomplished by adding them to the environment in a persistent manner; either by cygwin startup scripts or changing the Windows environment.  The latter will require a new instance of the cygwin terminal for the variables to be present.
+If you wish to stress test:
+./batch_test.pl -b -d . -e 6   { run 6 tests at a time }