{section: Testing}
+On my laptop I have the MSI installed to c:\condor with my test location assembled in c:\condor_tests and examples in c:\condor_examples.
+There are four things needed for testing on windows that need to be assembled
+1: built tests
+1: all sources for src/condor_tests and src/condor_examples
+1: Condor.PM, CondorUtils.pm, CondorTest.pm, CondorPersonal.pm and batch_tests.pl from src/condor_scripts
+1: placement choices: The directory condor_examples needs to be in same folder as condor_tests.
+1: If the condor perl modules are not in a well known system location place them in your selected test location.
 Add to the system PATH environment variable the location of the HTCondor binaries
 Secure the HTCondor source tar ball and extract it