-***Test Work Waiting to be turned on***
+***Test Work Waiting to be turned on - These need to be reverified***
 1: job_basic_suspend_continue_test.run See end of ticket #3664
 1: basic preempt test for issue see #3775
 1: One of 6 concurrency tests see end of #4504
+1: job_basic_bad_exe.run defect #3941 test #3898
+1: job_basic_preempt.run defect #3775 test #3700
+1: job_basic_suspend_continue_test.run defect #3492 #3744 test #3664
+1: windows file transfer of folders to top sandbox with / defect #3939
+1: cmd_drain.run defect #3955 test na
+1: condorc_ab_van windows defect 8.1.2 #3975