cd d:\scratch\build\master
 ..\release test
+{subsection: build_workspace.bat}
+This script copies a SHA from the current git repository to and submits it as a workspace build.  This script depends on a shell script in ~johnkn/workspace on submit-3. arguments are <sha1>|index [<description> [all|win|win+|warn]]
+{file: build_workspace.bat}
+@echo off
+if not exist nmi_tools goto usage
+if "%1"=="" goto usage
+if "%1"=="-h" goto usage
+if "%1"=="-help" goto usage
+if "%1"=="/help" goto usage
+set sha=%1
+if "%sha%"=="index" (
+   for /F %%I in ('git write-tree') do (
+      set sha=%%I
+   )
+set tar=git archive %sha%
+set platforms=all
+set dir=wk%RANDOM%
+set dir=%dir: =%
+set arg1=%~1
+if NOT "%arg1:~0,1%" == "-" (
+   set desc=%arg1: =_%
+   set dir=%dir%%arg1:~0,6%
+   shift
+set desc=%desc: =%
+if NOT "%1"=="" set platforms=%1
+@echo on
+%tar% | plink -2 -i %USERPROFILE%\keys\putty.ppk -l %USERNAME% %submit% cd workspace ; mkdir %dir% ; cd %dir% ; tar xf - ; ../build_workspace %desc% %platforms%
+@echo off
+goto :EOF
+@echo This script must be run from the CONDOR_SRC directory
+@echo Usage: %0 sha1 [description] [all ^| win ^| win+ ^| warn]
+@echo.  send the given sha1 or branch to NMI submit machine as ~/workspace/wk^<rand^>
+@echo.  and then run ~/workspace/build_workspace to build it.
+@echo.  if sha1 is index, then git write-tree is used to generate the sha1
+copy build_workspace.bat d:\scratch\condor
+cd d:\scratch\condor\master
+..\build_workspace index description all