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TJ's simple scripts

A script to sort a collection of classads by key without reordering the ads. What it actually does is accumulate lines from stdin until it gets to a blank line, then prints out those lines sorted.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my %ad;

for my $line ( <STDIN> ) {
  if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
    # print out the previous add sorted by key then reset the hash for a new ad.
    if (%ad) {
       for (sort keys %ad) { print $_; }
       undef %ad;
  $ad{$line} = 1;

# print the last ad sorted by key
if (%ad) {
   for (sort keys %ad) { print $_; }
   undef %ad;
condor_status -long | perl

Scripts for building on Windows


run this script to create a condor.prj file in the current directory. Does much the same thing as configure_uw, but works on Windows. If sources are not in the current directory, it depends on the environment variable GIT_HOME to find them. This script will refuse to run if the current directory is a git repo. Optional arguments are

@echo off

if "%1"=="regen" (

if "%1"=="analyze" (
   set _analyze=-DMSVC_ANALYZE:BOOL=TRUE
if "%1"=="noanalyze" (

if "%1"=="tests" (
if "%1"=="buildid" (
   set _buildid=-DBUILDID:STRING="%~2"

if exist .\.git\config goto :nothere
if exist .gitignore goto :nothere

if exist .\src\condor_utils\condor_api.h (
  set _src=
) else (
  set _src=%GIT_HOME%
  choice /M "no sources in current dir, use %GIT_HOME%"
  if errorlevel 2 goto :EOF

set _gen="Visual Studio 11"
if "%VS_DIR%"=="C:\vs90" set _gen="Visual Studio 9 2008"
REM set _gen="NMake Makefiles"
if NOT ~%1==~ set _gen=%1

@echo on
cmake -LA CMakeLists.txt -G %_gen% %_noregen% %_analyze% %_test% %_buildid% -D_VERBOSE:BOOL=TRUE %_src%
@goto :EOF

@echo You don't want to run this when the current directory is a git repository.
copy cmakeit.bat d:\scratch\build
set GIT_HOME=d:\scratch\master\CONDOR_SRC
mkdir d:\scratch\build\master
cd d:\scratch\build\master


run this script while in your build directory (the one with condor.sln) to build and/or release HTCondor. Optional arguments are

@echo off

for %%I in (wget.exe) do if "%%~f$PATH:I"=="" (
  echo WGET is not in the path - aborting
  exit /b 1

if not exist condor.sln (
  echo There is no Condor.sln file in the current directory
  echo did you forget to run cmakeit.bat?
  exit /b 1

set _scriptdir_=%~sdp0
set _counterrs_=call %~sdp0counterrs.bat

if "~%1"=="~" goto doit
goto %1

set _bldtype_=Debug
goto next

set _console_=true
goto next

set _rebuild_=Build
goto next

set _bldtype_=RelWithDebInfo
goto next

set _target_=PACKAGE
goto next

set _target_=ALL_EXTERN
goto next

set _target_=INSTALL
goto next

set _release_=call %_scriptdir_%release.bat
if "%2"=="test" (
    set _release_=%_release_% test
if "%_bldtype_%"=="Debug" (
    set _release_=%_release_% debug
goto next

goto top

if ~%_rebuild_%==~ set _rebuild_=Rebuild
if ~%_bldtype_%==~ set _bldtype_=RelWithDebInfo
if ~%_target_%==~ set _target_=ALL_BUILD
set _counterrs_=call %_scriptdir_%counterrs.bat %_rebuild_%.out
::@echo '%_counterrs_%'

@if NOT "%_console_%"=="true" goto :build_to_log
@echo on
devenv condor.sln /%_rebuild_% %_bldtype_% /project %_target_%
@echo off
goto :EOF

@echo on
devenv condor.sln /%_rebuild_% %_bldtype_% /project %_target_% > %_rebuild_%.out
@echo off
copy rebuild.bat d:\scratch\build
cd d:\scratch\build\master
mkdir d:\scratch\build\master\test
..\rebuild build debug release test


This script processes the build.out or rebuild.out log produced by rebuild.bat and prints a summary of errors and warnings.
@echo off
set infile=%1
if "%infile%"=="" set infile=Rebuild.out
set tmpfile=%infile:.out=%_nopre.tmp

:: extract a sorted list of error/warning messages without the "nn>" prefix on the lines.
grep -E "C[0-9]{4}:" %infile% | awk "{gsub(/^[0-9]+>/,\"\")};1" | sort > %tmpfile%

:: set variables to conain counts of various things.
for /F %%I in ('grep -E " [C|E][0-3][0-9]{3}" %infile% ^| sort ^| uniq ^| awk "END{print NR}"') do set errs=%%I
for /F %%I in ('grep -E " C4[0-9]{3}" %infile% ^| sort ^| uniq ^| awk "END{print NR}"') do set warns=%%I
for /F %%I in ('grep -E " C6[0-9]{3}" %infile% ^| sort ^| uniq ^| awk "END{print NR}"') do set anals=%%I
for /F %%I in ('grep -E " C6[0-9]{3}" %infile% ^| grep -I -E "\.h" ^| sort ^| uniq ^| awk "END{print NR}"') do set analhs=%%I

set analmsg=
if NOT "%anals%"=="0" set analmsg=%anals% Analysis warnings
set analhmsg=
if NOT "%analhs%"=="0" set analhmsg=^(%analhs% in headers)
@echo %infile% Raw  : %errs% Errors, %warns% Warnings %analmsg% %analhmsg%

for /F %%I in ('grep -E " [C|E][0-3][0-9]{3}" %tmpfile% ^| sort ^| uniq ^| awk "END{print NR}"') do set errs=%%I
for /F %%I in ('grep -E " C4[0-9]{3}" %tmpfile% ^| sort ^| uniq ^| awk "END{print NR}"') do set warns=%%I
for /F %%I in ('grep -E " C6[0-9]{3}" %tmpfile% ^| sort ^| uniq ^| awk "END{print NR}"') do set anals=%%I
for /F %%I in ('grep -E " C6[0-9]{3}" %tmpfile% ^| grep -I -E "\.h" ^| sort ^| uniq ^| awk "END{print NR}"') do set analhs=%%I

set analmsg=
if NOT "%anals%"=="0" set analmsg=%anals% Analysis warnings
set analhmsg=
if NOT "%analhs%"=="0" set analhmsg=^(%analhs% in headers)
@echo %infile% Uniq : %errs% Errors, %warns% Warnings %analmsg% %analhmsg%

if not "%errs%"=="0" @grep -E "[0-9]*[1-9]+ error\(s\), [0-9]+ warning\(s\)" %infile%
copy counterrs.bat d:\scratch\build
cd d:\scratch\build\master
..\counterrs rebuild.out


run this script while in your build directory (the one with condor.sln) to build and/or release HTCondor. Optional arguments are

@echo off

for %%I in (cmake.exe) do if "%%~f$PATH:I"=="" (
  echo cmake is not in the path - aborting
  exit /b 1

if not exist cmake_install.cmake (
  echo There is no cmake_install.cmake file in the current directory
  echo did you forget to run cmakeit.bat?
  exit /b 1

set _bldtype_=RelWithDebInfo

if "%1"=="msi" goto msi
if "~%1"=="~" goto doit
if "~%1"=="~." set _install_=-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=Release
if NOT "~%1"=="~." set _install_=-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%~sf1

if "~%2"=="~" goto doit
goto %2

set _bldtype_=Debug
goto next

set _bldtype_=RelWithDebInfo
goto next

set _msi_=condor-pre.msi
goto next

goto top

if ~%_bldtype_%==~ for /F %%I in ('dir /b all_build.dir') do set _bldtype_=%%I

@echo on
cmake.exe -DBUILD_TYPE=%_bldtype_% %_install_% -P cmake_install.cmake > release.out
@echo off
::@findstr /I /C:"condor_master.exe" release.out
for /F %%I in ('grep -c Installing release.out') do set /A install_count=%%I - 1
for /F %%I in ('grep -c Up-to-date release.out') do set /A uptodate_count=%%I + %install_count%
echo Updated %install_count% of %uptodate_count%

if "%_msi_%"=="" goto :EOF
set _msiname_=
for /f "delims== tokens=3" %%I in ('findstr "condor-" msconfig\wix\xml\condor.xsl') do @set _msiname_=%%~I
if NOT "%_msiname_%"=="" set _msi_=%_msiname_%.msi
:: @echo msi is: "%_msi_%"
if not "%_msi_:~0,6%"=="condor" goto :EOF

:: figure out the release path from the release.out log
for /f "tokens=3" %%I in ('grep condor_master.exe release.out') do @set _master_=%%~dpI
set _reldir_=%_master_:\bin\=%
if not EXIST %_reldir_%\bin\condor_master.exe goto :EOF

@echo makeing msi: %_msi_%
@echo on
%_reldir_%\etc\wix\do_wix %_reldir_% %CD%\%_msi_%
copy release.bat d:\scratch\build
cd d:\scratch\build\master
..\release test


This script copies a SHA from the current git repository to and submits it as a workspace build. This script depends on a shell script in ~johnkn/workspace on submit-3. arguments are:

build_workspace (shell script)

This bash script invokes nmi_condor_submit It should be executed while at the root of a git clone or archive on one of the batlab submit machines. Arguments are optional the first is the description and second is shorthand for combinations of platform. default is to build on Win8 and Fedora21