{subsection: build_workspace.bat}
-This script copies a SHA from the current git repository to submit-3.batlab.org and submits it as a workspace build.  This script depends on a shell script in ~johnkn/workspace on submit-3. arguments are:
+This script copies a SHA from the current git repository to batlab.chtc.wisc.edu and submits it as a workspace build.  This script depends on a shell script in ~johnkn/workspace on batlab.chtc.wisc.edu. arguments are:
 *: =index | <SHA1>=  The commit to build, "index" means use the SHA from git write-tree
 *: =<description>= (optional) Description for the workspace build
-*: =all | win | win+ | warn= (optional), passed on to submit_workspace script on submit-3 as the platform arguments
+*: =all | win | win+ | warn= (optional), passed on to submit_workspace script on batlab.chtc.wisc.edu as the platform arguments
 {file: build_workspace.bat}
 @echo off
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@
-set submit=submit-3.batlab.org
+set submit=batlab.chtc.wisc.edu
 set tar=git archive %sha%
 set platforms=all