I apologize because I don't know why, and this is one of the major
    means by which the TransferD performs its functions. I think it was
    commented out so all of this stuff could be merged into mainline
-   Condor and not affect anything before we could finish it all.
+   HTCondor and not affect anything before we could finish it all.
  + Register: TransferD::exit_due_to_inactivity_timer()
    This will cause the transferd to exit if ther eis no work to
-   perform. Coupled with the above, it means in mainline Condor, if the
+   perform. Coupled with the above, it means in mainline HTCondor, if the
    transferd starts, it will automatically exit because it won't process
    any of its queued work.
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 "File Transfer Protocol", but NOT in the same manner as the ftp program.
 The values of that attribute dictate HOW the transferd should accept
 and write those files. Currently, the only supported method is the
-enumeration FTP_CFTP, which means "File Transfer Protocol: Condor File
+enumeration FTP_CFTP, which means "File Transfer Protocol: HTCondor File
 Transfer Protocol".
 + Make sure we're authenticated by calling rsock->triedAuthentication().