We'll be using the "us-east-1" region throughout.
+The last step in using =condor_annex= for the first time is to tell =condor_annex=, via HTCondor configuration, about the things you did in these five steps (and a sixth one, below).  You may find it easiest to copy and paste the example configuration from that last step ("putting it all together" -- look there for where to paste) and update it as you go.
 {subsection: Create a (private) S3 bucket}
 An S3 bucket is a place in the AWS cloud where you can store files.  =condor_annex= stores the dynamic configuration the instances in your annex will need in an S3 bucket.  If the bucket is private, than only you can read the files in it -- allowing your instances, and only your instances, to read those files is what the next step is for.  These two steps make it possible for =condor_annex= to securely share the password you entered earlier.