{subsection: Running the Setup Command}
-The following command will setup your AWS account.  It will create a number of persistent components; if you decide not to use =condor_annex=, you may delete them by going to the {link: https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-east-1#/stacks?filter=active CloudFormation console} and deleting the entries whose names begin with 'HTCondorAnnex-'.  It also creates an SSH key pair which may be useful for debugging; the private key is stored in =~/.condor/HTCondorAnnex-KeyPair.pem=.  To remove the corresponding public key from your AWS account, go to the {link: https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home?region=us-east-1#KeyPairs:sort=keyName key pair console} and delete the 'HTCondorAnnex-KeyPair' key.
+The following command will setup your AWS account.  It will create a number of persistent components, none of which will cost you anything to keep around.  These components can take quite some time to create; =condor_annex= checks
+each for completion every ten seconds and prints an additional dot (past the first three) when it does so, to let you know that everything's still working.
 $ condor_annex -setup
-Creating configuration bucket (this takes less than a minute)... complete.
-Creating Lambda functions (this takes about a minute)... complete.
-Creating instance profile (this takes about two minutes)... complete.
-Creating security group (this takes less than a minute)... complete.
+Creating configuration bucket (this takes less than a minute)....... complete.
+Creating Lambda functions (this takes about a minute)........ complete.
+Creating instance profile (this takes about two minutes)................... complete.
+Creating security group (this takes less than a minute)..... complete.
 Setup successful.
+{subsection: Undoing the Setup Command}
+There is not as yet a way to undo the setup command automatically, but it won't cost you anything to leave your account setup for =condor_annex= indefinitely.  If, however, you want to be tidy, you may delete the components setup created by going to the {link: https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-east-1#/stacks?filter=active CloudFormation console} and deleting the entries whose names begin with 'HTCondorAnnex-'.  The setup procedure also creates an SSH key pair which may be useful for debugging; the private key was stored in =~/.condor/HTCondorAnnex-KeyPair.pem=.  To remove the corresponding public key from your AWS account, go to the {link: https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home?region=us-east-1#KeyPairs:sort=keyName key pair console} and delete the 'HTCondorAnnex-KeyPair' key.
 You're ready to run =condor_annex=!  Return to HowToUseCondorAnnexWithOnDemandInstances.