-_[If you're using v8.7.1, see the {wiki: UsingCondorAnnexForTheFirstTimeEightSevenOne v8.7.1 instructions}.  These instructions are for v8.7.2.]_
+_[If you're using v8.7.1, see the {wiki: UsingCondorAnnexForTheFirstTimeEightSevenOne v8.7.1 instructions}.  These instructions are for v8.7.2.  If you're using v8.7.3, see the {wiki: UsingCondorAnnexForTheFirstTimeEightSevenThree v8.7.3 instructions}.]_
 This guide assumes that you already have an AWS account, as well as a log-in account on a Linux machine with a public address and a system administrator who's willing to open a port for you.  All the terminal commands (shown on a grey background) and file edits (shown on a green background) take place on the Linux machine.  You can perform the web-based steps from wherever is convenient, although it will save you some copying if you can run a browser on the Linux machine.