Checking for configuration bucket... OK.
 Checking for Lambda functions... OK.
 Checking for instance profile... OK.
-Checking for security group... OK._[If you're using v8.7.1 or earlier, see the {wiki: HowToUseCondorAnnexWithOnDemandInstancesEightSevenOne v8.7.1 instructions}.  These instructions are for v8.7.2.]_
-{section: Using HTCondor Annex for the First Time}
-We assume you already have an AWS account, as well as a log-in account on a Linux machine with a public IP address and an administrator who's willing to open a port for you.  If so, you can follow the instructions for {wiki: UsingCondorAnnexForTheFirstTimeEightSevenTwo using HTCondor Annex for the first time}.
-If you're not sure if you've configured =condor_annex= before, you may enter the following to check.
-$ . ~/condor-8.7.2/
-$ condor_annex -check-setup
-Checking for configuration bucket... OK.
-Checking for Lambda functions... OK.
-Checking for instance profile... OK.
 Checking for security group... OK.
-Your setup looks OK.
-If you see anything else, follow the instructions above.
-{section: What You'll Need to Know}
-To create a HTCondor annex with on-demand instances, you'll need to know two things:
-1: A name for it.  "MyFirstAnnex" is a fine name for your first annex.
-1: How many instances you want.  For your first annex, when you're checking to make sure things work, you may only want one instance.
-{section: Start an Annex}
-Entering the following will start an annex named "MyFirstAnnex" with one instance.  =condor_annex= will print out what it's going to do, and then ask you if that's OK.  You must type 'yes' (and hit enter) at the prompt to start an annex; if you do not, =condor_annex= will print out instructions about how to change whatever you may not like about what it said it was going to do, and then exit.
-$ condor_annex -count 1 -annex-name MyFirstAnnex
-Will request 1 m4.large on-demand instance for 0.83 hours.  Each instance will terminate after being idle for 0.25 hours.
-Is that OK?  (Type 'yes' or 'no'): yes
-Starting annex...
-Annex started.  Its identity with the cloud provider is
-'TestAnnex0_f2923fd1-3cad-47f3-8e19-fff9988ddacf'.  It will take about three minutes for the new machines to join the pool.
-You won't need to know the annex's identity with the cloud provider unless something goes long.
-Before starting the annex, =condor_annex= will check to make sure that the instances will be able to contact your pool.  Contact your machine's administrator if =condor_annex= reports a problem with this step.
-{subsection: instance types}
-Each {link: instance type} provides a different number (and/or type) of CPU cores, amount of RAM, local storage, and the like.  If you're not sure, we recommend starting with 'm4.large', which has 2 CPU cores and 8 GiB of RAM.  As noted in the example output above, you can specify an instance type with the =-aws-on-demand-instance-type= flag.
-{subsection: leases}
-By default, =condor_annex= arranges for your annex's instances to be terminated after =0.83= hours (50 minutes) have passed.  Once it's in place, this lease doesn't depend on your machine, but it's only checked every five minutes, so give your deadlines a lot of cushion to make you don't get charged for an extra hour.  The lease is intended to help you conserve money by preventing the annex instances from accidentally running forever.  As noted in the example output above, you can specify a lease duration (in decimal hours) with the =-duration= flag.
-If you need to adjust the lease for a particular annex, you may do so by specifying an annex name and a duration, but not a count.  When you do so, the new duration is set starting at the current time.  For example, if you'd like "MyFirstAnnex" to expire eight hours from now:
-$ condor_annex -annex-name MyFirstAnnex -duration 8
-Lease updated.
-{subsection: idle time}
-By default, =condor_annex= will configure your annex's instances to terminate themselves after being idle for =0.25= hours (fifteen minutes).  This is intended to help you conserve money in case of problems or an extended shortage of work.  As noted in the example output above, you can specify a max idle time (in decimal hours) with the =-idle= flag.  =condor_annex= considers an instance idle if it's {link: unclaimed}, so it won't get tricked by jobs with long quiescent periods.
-{subsection: multiple annexes}
-You may have up to fifty (or fewer, depending what else you're doing with your AWS account) differently-named annexes running at the same time.  Running =condor_annex= again with the same annex name before stopping that annex will both add instances to it and change its duration.  Only instances which start up after an invocation of =condor_annex= will respect that invocation's max idle time.  That may include instances still starting up from your previous (first) invocation of =condor_annex=, so be sure your instances have all joined the pool before running =condor_annex= again with the same annex name if you're changing the max idle time.  Each invocation of =condor_annex= requests a fixed number of instances of a given type; you may specify either or both with each invocation, but neither will change either about the previous request.
-{section: Monitor your Annex}
-You can find out if that instance has successfully joined the pool in the following way.
-$ condor_status -annex MyFirstAnnex
-slot1@ip-172-31-48-84.ec2.internal  LINUX     X86_64 Unclaimed Idle 0.640 3767
-slot2@ip-172-31-48-84.ec2.internal  LINUX     X86_64 Unclaimed Idle 0.640 3767
-              Total Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting Backfill  Drain
- X86_64/LINUX     2     0       0         2       0          0        0      0
-        Total     2     0       0         2       0          0        0      0
-This example shows that the annex instance you requested has joined your pool.  (The default annex image configures one static slot for each CPU it finds on start-up.)
-You can also get a report about the instances which have not joined your pool:
-$ condor_annex -annex MyFirstAnnex -status
-STATE          COUNT
-pending            1
-TOTAL              1
-Instances not in the pool, grouped by state:
-pending i-06928b26786dc7e6e
-{section: Run a Job}
-Starting in v8.7.1, the default behaviour for an annex instance is to run only jobs submitted by the user who ran the =condor_annex= command.  If you'd like to allow other users to run jobs, list them (separated by commas; be sure to include yourself) as arguments to the =-owner= flag when you start the instance.  If you're creating an annex for general use, use the =-no-owner= flag to run jobs from anyone.
-Also starting in v8.7.1, the default behaviour for an annex instance is to run only jobs which have the =MayUseAWS= attribute set (to true).  To submit a job with =MayUseAWS= set to true, add =+MayUseAWS = TRUE= to the submit file somewhere before the =queue= command.  To allow an existing job to run in the annex, use =condor_q_edit=.  For instance, if you'd like cluster 1234 to run on AWS:
-$ condor_qedit 1234 "MayUseAWS = TRUE"
-Set attribute "MayUseAWS" for 21 matching jobs.
-{section: Stop an Annex}
-The following command shuts HTCondor off on each instance in the annex; if you're using the default annex image, doing so causes each instance to shut itself down.
-$ condor_off -annex MyFirstAnnex
-Sent "Kill-Daemon" command for "master" to master ip-172-31-48-84.ec2.internal
-{section: Advanced Usage}
-The information is this section is for advanced users and may not apply (or make sense) to everyone.
-{subsection: Configure the Annex}
-You can customize the configuration of your annex.  If you pass the full path to a directory (for example, =/home/annex/config.d=) to =condor_annex= using the =-config-dir= option, condor_annex will copy the files in that directory to the HTCondor config directory on each annex instance.  This does _not_ replace the customization that =condor_annex= is already doing to configure security and tell the annex instances which pool to join; those changes will be laid down on top of (a temporary copy of) the directory you specified before being transferred to the instances.
-Your setup looks OK.
 {subsection: Undoing the Setup Command}
 There is not as yet a way to undo the setup command automatically, but it won't cost you anything extra to leave your account setup for =condor_annex= indefinitely.  If, however, you want to be tidy, you may delete the components setup created by going to the {link: CloudFormation console} and deleting the entries whose names begin with 'HTCondorAnnex-'.  The setup procedure also creates an SSH key pair which may be useful for debugging; the private key was stored in =~/.condor/HTCondorAnnex-KeyPair.pem=.  To remove the corresponding public key from your AWS account, go to the {link: key pair console} and delete the 'HTCondorAnnex-KeyPair' key.