From this log, it looks like =85bad3f= and =14f8eed= are the relevant commits, and there are others listed that are not pertinent.  (If the ticket numbers are not in the commit message, the =git log= command is useless for this.)
-Now you can do
+Now you can do (for some reason, =git tag --contains= takes longer than it should...)
-git branch -a --contains 85bad3f
+git tag --contains 85bad3f | grep -E '^V[[:digit:]]+_[[:digit:]]+_[[:digit:]]+$'
 which produces the list
-<Snipped, for brevity>
-<Again snipped for brevity>
-Thus it appears the feature introduced in #2004 was first released in 7.6.1.
-Old branches get 'bag-and-tag'-ed: the branches are moved from =/refs/heads= to =/refs/tags=, and suffixed with "=-tag=".  You can use =git tag --contains= instead of =git branch --contains= above to find the tags that contain the commit.
+Thus we know the feature (or bugfix) in #2004 was first released in 7.6.1.