*::: I don't think users should be allowed to submit a virtual machine manager script. I think that violates the administrative controls of the resource owner. Of course a user could try to submit a vanilla job that launches a virtual machine and it would be up to the resource owner to allow/disallow such an option.
 *: The case of the user not caring about the choice of hypervisor: many hypervisors these days support the vmware standard vmdk disk images. Likewise, another incarnation of virtualization that is gaining popularity is virtual appliances which may be run on several different hypervisors. The user may be allowed to submit such hypervisor independent virtual machines in which case condor should pick the hypervisor for the jobs.
+*:: See submission functional behavior. One way to support this is to allow for the user to specify a list of types and hypervisors that can be used. Maybe add a special "any" wildcard or have the absence of VM_TYPE and VM_HYPERVISOR indicate "I don't care." I have a feeling that leaving out VM_TYPE and VM_HYPERVISOR would lead to more user errors, however.
 *: A collection of virtual machine configurations and disk configurations may be pre-deployed/staged in the pool. One possibility is to allow a vm universe job specification to refer to a pre-deployed virtual machine and provide a secondary disk containing job specific data.