One places such information into a file which you point to
 with the environment variable "MTOOLSRC".
+Below are some Perl functions to use the above tools:
+  #####################################################
+  #
+  #   VM Universe code for VmWare
+  #
+  #   Initializing the VM for a job and accessing the
+  #   results are done by including a suitable second
+  #   VmWare disk. This disk is created for dynamic
+  #   allocation and created in a VM which can use fdisk
+  #   to create a fat32 partition and must have an
+  #   mkfs which allows a "-t vfat" to complete creation
+  #   of the disk.
+  #
+  #   Once one has this disk it can be used as a template
+  #   second drive for any VmWare VM. Note keep the core
+  #   empty disk and copy it when needed as it gets
+  #   larger with every use.
+  #
+  #   We rely on "mtools" and "qemu" for the rest.
+  #   "qemu-img" is used to convert the disk back and forth
+  #   between vmdk and raw formats. "mcopy, mdir etc"
+  #   are used to place and fetch files off the raw
+  #   disk.
+  #
+  #####################################################
+  sub VMwareAddFile
+  {
+      my $file = shift;
+      runcmd("mcopy $file n:");
+      runcmd("mdir n:");
+  }
+  sub VMwareFetchByPattern
+  {
+      my $pattern = shift;
+      runcmd("mcopy n:\*$pattern* .");
+      runcmd("mdir n:");
+  }
+  sub VMwareRemakeDataDisk
+  {
+      my $data = shift;
+      my $raw = shift;
+      my $cmd = "qemu-img convert -f raw $raw -O vmdk $data";
+      runcmd($cmd);
+  }
+  sub VMwareCreateRawDisk
+  {
+      my $empty = shift;
+      my $raw = shift;
+      my $cmd = "qemu-img convert -f vmdk $empty -O raw $raw";
+      runcmd($cmd);
+  }
+  sub VMwareCreateMTOOLSRC
+  {
+      my $rawdisk = shift;
+      my $top = getcwd();
+      my $baseentry = "drive n: file=\"$top/$rawdisk\" offset=32256 mtools_skip_check=1";
+      print "Making MTOOLSRC here<$top>\n";
+      open(MTRC,">$top/mtoolsrc") or die "Can not open mtoolsrc in <$top>:$!\n";
+      print MTRC "$baseentry\n";
+      close(MTRC);
+      $ENV{MTOOLSRC} = "$top/mtoolsrc";
+      runcmd("mdir n:");
+  }
 Below is a suitable script for mounting a second disk at the right
 run level and deciding if a job should be run or the VM simply brought up for
 changes or inspection.
@@ -123,4 +196,3 @@
   print "Copy results back to /vmjob\n";
   system("cp *.log /vmjob");