One places such information into a file which you point to
 with the environment variable "MTOOLSRC".
+When condor completes a VmWare job its returns all the files
+of the VM to the run directory allowing one to restart the VM and
+look inside.
+*However if you use the procedures here, you will want to copy in an
+empty second disk or it will startup and run the job again
+or error as it did the last time depending where you
+are in creating your job within the VM.*
+A simple submit file for Condor which has the VmWare files
+in a directory called vmware_dir looks like this and note that the
+executable is simply the name of the job that condor_q uses to
+display it in the queue:
+  universe = vm
+  vm_type = vmware
+  vmware_dir = vmware_dir
+  executable = sscc_cbf_vm
+  log = sscc_cbf_vm.log
+  vmware_should_transfer_files = YES
+  vmware_snapshot_disk = false
+  vm_memory = 1000
+  notification = never
+  queue
 Below are some Perl functions to use the above tools: