With that configuration, each machine advertises a single slot.  However, this prevents the machine from supporting a mix of single-core and whole-machine jobs.  The remainder of this explanation supports both single-core and whole-machine jobs.
+*NOTE:* The following configuration is the old way of doing things with static slots.  The new way to do things is to use dynamic partitionable slots.  The section about that topic in the HTCondor manual is {link: http://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/manual/v7.8/3_5Policy_Configuration.html#SECTION004510600000000000000 here}.
 A job needs two items. First, it needs to advertise itself as one that is a whole-machine job, so that the machine can identify the job as a whole-machine job for matchmaking.  Second, the job needs to require that it be matched with a machine that runs whole machine jobs. For this example, the submit description file contains