*: SyscallMode (Feb. 1999)
 *: JavaUniverse (Dec. 2001)
 *: {wiki: CreatingNewDaemons Creating New a Daemon} (Feb. 2002)
+*: {wiki: MpiWisdom MPI Wisdom} (July 2002)
 *: {wiki: CodingGuidelinesAndRulesForImake Coding Guidlines/Rules when using Imake in the Condor build system} (May 2004)
 *: {link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/developers/ports.html Ports and Where They Work}
 *: details about {wiki: DetailsAboutCondorStats condor_stats} (Jan 2004)
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@
 *: {wiki: StorkWisdom Stork } (June 2006)
 *: {wiki: DebuggingSmashedStacks Debugging Smashed Stacks} (Aug 2006)
 *Development proposals*:
 *: {wiki: ProposalSharedExecutablesIckptsInTheSpool Shared executables (ickpts) in the SPOOL}