{subsection: Really Important Stuff}
 *: {wiki: SourceCodeBranches What branch should receive my code?}
-*: {wiki: DeveloperReleasePlan Work plan for upcoming releases} (Current Wranglers)
-*:: 7.5.5 danb
-*:: 7.4.5 psilord
-*:: {wiki: WranglerQueue Wrangler Queue}
+*: {wiki: DeveloperReleasePlan Work plan for upcoming releases}
 *: {link: http://nmi-s006.cs.wisc.edu/results/Run-condor.php Nightly build results} ({link: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/developers/testsuite/buildandtestblog.html Built-Test Blog})
 *: {link: http://condor-git.cs.wisc.edu/ GitWeb} (and deprecated {link: http://bonsai.cs.wisc.edu/bonsai/cvsqueryform.cgi Bonsai})
 *: {wiki: PublicGitRepo Info on how gitweb is updated} and which branches are mirrored to gitweb