*: {wiki: GettingStarted Getting Started!}
 *: {wiki: HowToAdminRecipes HTCondor HOWTO Recipes for configuration, fancy tricks}
 *: {wiki: MakingContributions How to submit a source code patch}
-*: {wiki: ContribModules List of optional contribution modules "contribs"} and {wiki:ExperimentalFeatures experimental features}
+*: {wiki: ContribModules List of optional contribution modules} and {wiki:ExperimentalFeatures experimental features}
 *: {wiki: DagManUnderCondorc Running DAGMan itself as a HTCondor-C job}
 *: {wiki: SoapWisdom Using SOAP with HTCondor} - includes a Python/suds example
 *: {wiki: PortsTable The Ports Table}